
My First Impression of Yale

My First Impression of Yale

   From the car the Phelps Gate comes into sight. The ancient building, made of huge, cold stone, lofty and gorgeous, stands right in front of me. It occurs to me that it is not only a gate filled with legends and history but also the beginning of my life at Yale.

   Yale looks like a castle. Viewed from the window in my dorm at dawn, I see the light of the morning sun spread out to the whole sky which is painted various colors like blue, pink and orange. And the “castle” is just stirring from its dream. The towers get ready to ring the bells while the chimneys spout out volumes of white smoke, meaning that the breakfast is already prepared. People wake up and start a new busy day and soon the whole college becomes lively and full of talks and laugh.

   New Haven is not a quiet town, for the sirens of police cars are always wandering in the sky. However, things are totally different from that in the college. I sit on the bench there with a gust of wind softly blowing the cheeks and bringing fresh air to me. The sun casts the light on the top of the trees, leaving shadows on the ground. Some birds fly and sing in the tree, making the square a paradise. I feel myself gradually merge into the silence.

   It is just a beginning and I can't be more excited to explore more of the campus! 

 The Powers Lake

The Powers Lake

The Powers Lake
The Powers Lake

With Ilke, a girl from Turkey

Dinner on Friday

Breaking dawn

A fat fat squirrel

The Sterling Memorial Library
Taste of China

Inside the library
